Sometimes Healthy Living Means Letting Go

Hello everyone!

I want to thank you again for your amazing support and wonderful comments regarding my granddaddy’s passing. I can’t convey enough how much I appreciate it!

This weekend, especially the funeral service on Saturday, was really sad but it was also incredibly nice to be with family and family friends. We also shared some wonderful memories and had good times reminiscing. I will really miss him and I still can’t believe that he is gone, but like I’ve said before, I’m just so thankful that my grandpa is no longer suffering and that he is at peace.

There were so many beautiful flower arrangements at the funeral home. I took a picture, but it didn’t get all of the flowers in it:

Again, thank you all for everything! Things will be getting back to normal around here now.


Healthy living didn’t quite happen for me this weekend. And you know what I realized as we were driving back from Illinois? That sometimes healthy living means letting go. Letting go of the routines and rules that we’ve established for ourselves. Letting go of worries that there isn’t any healthy food around. Letting go of the fear of missing several days of working out. Letting go of healthy habits and reveling in the unhealthy ones because frankly they just need to happen. Sometimes, healthy living means letting go so that we can live in the moment and do what feels best for us at that time.

This weekend we were in the middle of nowhere. Literally. The only restaurants in the town were fast food ones and I’m pretty sure that gyms didn’t exist within a 20 mile radius (at least). That first day we got there I’m not going to lie, I was sort of freaking out. And then I got over it.

Frankly, I didn’t need to be worrying about the food I was eating this weekend and whether or not I could complete a workout in my hotel room. Those were honestly the last things on my mind. All I wanted to do was properly remember my grandpa, celebrate his life, and spend time with loved ones. And that’s exactly what I did.

I craved comfort food so I ate it. I had no desire to exercise, so I didn’t. And you no what? That doesn’t make me an unhealthy person and it won’t do anything to me in the long run. I really listened to my body and my mind this weekend and I’m so glad I did because it allowed me to focus on what was truly important.


After the funeral service the church served us a huge home cooked, country-style meal. Absolutely none of it was healthy. And all of it was unbelievably tasty :). I think it’s important for us to realize that it can be okay to let go and do what we want, and eat what we want on occasion. Even if that means doing it for several days straight. It’s worthless to get caught up in guilt over indulging and not exercising. It will only make us feel bad. And frankly, what’s the point in making ourselves feel bad? There isn’t one.

So yes, this weekend I came to terms with the fact that sometimes, living a healthy life means letting go of it for a few days. If you’re like me and how I was this weekend, you’ll enjoy it while it lasts and then you won’t be able to wait to get back to those healthy habits!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! xxoo


How was your weekend?

Do you ever just let go of your healthy habits and do what feels best at that time?

About In Sweetness and In Health

I'm Lindsay! I'm a 23 year-old graduate student in occupational therapy. I love all things health and fitness related and this blog will document my life as I learn to really love myself, try to stop worrying so much about my body, and truly take advantage of all the sweet things that life offers us.

Posted on February 20, 2012, in Family, Health, Life. Bookmark the permalink. 52 Comments.

  1. I’m so sorry about your grandpa, but you’re right – sometimes you’ve just got to let go and what’s best for your body at the moment might not be the healthiest!

  2. Such a great post. Healthy living is so much more than working out and eating right 24/7, balance is key!

    I’m glad you got to spend some quality time with your family during such a sad loss, I know the support must’ve been amazing 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead my friend!

  3. I completely agree. In my mind, healthy = balanced. Worrying about eating a certain way just isn’t appropriate for every situation. I’m glad that you were able to focus on the important things this weekend! Hugs to you!! 🙂

    • It’s definitely not appropriate for every situation…and I’m so glad that I’m finally really getting a grip on that! HUGS ❤

  4. So sorry about your grandpa! But I am glad you could be there with family.

    Great post! Healthy living means doing everything in moderation and in balance….so yes, not having it all, ALL the time is just that 🙂

  5. Jana @ Newly Wife Healthy Life

    As much as I love living a healthy lifestyle, sometimes it is difficult to keep up with it 24/7. When other stressers begin, relevant stress like losing a loved one, sometimes it is best to just let go and let be for a few days. Mourning your loss while worrying about the amount of veggie servings you are getting, or the number of miles you are running can lead to overwhelming stress on yourself both physically and mentally. It sounds like you listened to your body and treated it in a kind and loving way. 🙂

  6. I HAVE to allow myself to let go of things time to time because otherwise one minor occasion will turn into a full blow week or more of going crazy and way overboard uncontrollably. Balance is the biggest thing I strive for. Beautifully written post. And I’ve still been praying for you and your family, my friend. Let me know if you need anything or just someone to talk with. Hugs!

  7. good for you linds! i’m glad you were able to enjoy some comfort food and take a break from the gym for a few days. you’re SO right – indulging in moderation and ENJOYING it is absolutely part of healthy living. i am defnitely guilty of getting caught up in being a little too strict with myself when it comes to eating healthy and getting my workouts in, so this is a GREAT reminder for me! 🙂 love you girl!

    • Glad I can give you a reminder! I love how reading posts in this community can give us reminders all the time! Love u too 🙂

  8. I completely agree with this post – sometimes healthy living means letting go. So important to listen to your body and to just do what’s right for you in the moment.

  9. This is 100 % true & so refreshing to hear. This is something that is very easy to forget, but it is so very important. I’m so glad you were able to “let go” this weekend and enjoy spending time with your family & remembering your grandfather without freaking out about food and exercise. Thanks for the awesome post!

  10. yep, you nailed that one sista! in those time of closeness and family loss, we need to let go and just be there. Healthy living means mentally and spiritually nourishing our souls.

  11. so true! 🙂

    hope you and your family are doing okay!

  12. aww i hope you are doing better lindsay. you are absolutely right when you say we need to ‘let go’ sometimes- i needed to hear this today! it is my day off from work and yet i keep thinking about all i need to do tomorrow morning when i get back to the office, that i am not even enjoying today! i need to let go, realize its just a job and that there are more important things to worry about. have a great day!!

    • Thank you! I’m so glad that I was able to help you realize that you can enjoy your day! Hope you’ve had a good one 🙂

  13. LOVE LOVE the idea behind this post!! Family and fellowship > wiggin’ out about fitness anyday!

  14. Gah, I love you girl. Your perspective is PERFECT and especially in a tough situation like the one you were in. Again, I’m so so sorry for your loss ❤

  15. Toni@runninglovingliving

    SO sorry for your loss 😦

  16. You are so right. I’m glad you did what felt best, and I hope all that family time helped you cope. Hang in there! I’m sorry for your loss.

  17. totally agree with you in it is okay to let go and just live in that moment! stressing and feeling guilty are not worth it! sorry for your loss, thinking of you and your family!

    great post!!

  18. I love this post. It is something I struggle with all the time but you are SO right, sometimes letting go and just enjoying being present and spending time with family is so much more important than making sure every morsel that enters your mouth is healthy! I think your grandfather would have been proud of the way you celebrated his life this past weekend and what you learned from it ❤

    • I have definitely struggled with it a lot too, but sometimes it can take a more extreme situation to really make it sink in. Hope you’ve had a great day girlie!

  19. Brilliant post Lindsay and so so true! There is so much more to “healthy living” then nutritious foods, workouts, cooking/baking, etc… the mental aspect and connections with others is essential and important too, if not more so. Thank you for this reminder

    I hope everything is okay after this difficult time, keep staying strong!

  20. I can totally relate to this because my grandfather also passed about a month ago. I have been spending so much more time with my family, which means eating SO much more. Luckily for you, it was only a few days of unhealthiness. For me, it has unfortunately continued a bit more because my family lives close to me. I have put my foot down though! I have been reinstating my healthy habits, and am going to stick with it!

    • Aw, good for you! But I’m also glad that you have been spending more time with your family and enjoying yourself during the process. I bet you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get back to your healthy habits! Good luck with everything 🙂

  21. I’m so glad you were able to let go and just remember your grandpa without putting too much pressure on yourself. Hugs to you, doll! XOXO

  22. Love this post, Lindsay. You are so right – it can be easy to get so caught up in trying to be healthy that when things become difficult, panic sets in. I’ve definitely had that feeling in the past when I was in situations where eating healthy or working out was impossible. You’re right – sometimes you just have to be able to let go and realize that nothing will go wrong.

    Your family is in my prayers – it sounds like you had lots of good memories about your grandpa to remember with your family 🙂

  23. Thank you for reminding me to let go. I am so bad at that, and I really need to get better at it, because sometimes I dwell way too much and would be so much better off if I just let it go!

  24. I’m glad you listed to YOU and comforted yourself in ways that were okay. You’re right-one extra this or that does not hurt us. Healthy Living is the “whole” part of your life not just calories in and out!

  25. Ah, Lindsay – I love you so much. You are so strong and did the TOTALLY right thing ❤ I am so proud of you. SO PROUD! Always thinking of you xo

  26. Oh Lindsay, I’m so so sorry about your grandfather’s passing. This must be a very difficult time for you and your family. I’m glad you were all able to come together over the weekend to comfort one another and remember him. ❤

    Thank you so much for this post–For reminding me that healthy living isn't about what we do on any given day or week, rather, what we do over a lengthy extended period of time. And even those long-term habits aren't what define us. Our ability to determine what's most important in life, as well as what's most important during tough life situations, says so much more about our character than the number of miles we run on X day. You're in my thoughts and prayers!

  27. Im so sorry for your loss yet so grateful for this post.

    life is for living and sometimes that LIVING may appear unhealthy to outsiders but is precisely what WE NEED

  28. I’m glad you were able to let go for the weekend and just enjoy your time with your family. I did the same thing when I traveled for my grandpa’s memorial service, and I don’t regret it at all! I have to admit, those fast food fries actually tasted good :).

  29. So sorry about your grandfather, but I’m glad you were able to celebrate his life and be with family. I always feel guilty when I let go of my healthy habits. I think it has to do with the days of bloating afterward!

  30. I love this post…first of all, those flowers are all beautiful…..secondly, I completely agree with you that being healthy sometimes just requires letting go. In fact, sometimes when I’m put in that scenario where the healthiest options really aren’t available, it just makes me appreciate my normal healthy lifestyle so much more, which in turn just ends up motivating me to maintain (most of the time) healthy living when I get back to a “normal” day-to-day.

  31. I had a similar weekend about a month ago when I went to visit my sister. I decided to forgo my usual workout routine to spend time with her, my nice and nephew. I don’t get to see them often, so family came before fitness. And you are right – one weekend won’t matter in the long run.

    What is important to me is my overall attitude when it comes to my health. 9 times of out 10, I will think of my body first. But there are those occasions that I need to let it go, and enjoy the moment.

    Great post. Thanks!

  32. Oh… letting go. Sometimes I feel my BEST when I just let go and live. Your body and mind lead the way. Glad it all went well Lindsay and that you got to spend some time with family and friends. Have been keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  33. This is my first time visiting…

    I am so sorry for your loss. This was a FANTASTIC blog post and I am so glad that I was able to read it. I will definitely be back.

  34. I am completely able to let go of my healthy eating and exercise guilt free. If anything it just makes me even more into it when I am able to start back up. A week of no working out and more indulgent eating won’t kill you or the scale!

  35. I totally agree with this. I’m here if you ever need to talk!

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