Never Have I Ever: Healthy Food Edition


Have any of you played (or still play) the game “never have I ever”? Well in case you haven’t, let me describe it to you :).

“Never have I ever” (also known as “Ten Fingers”) is a often popular party game that involves drinking. The verbal game is started with the players getting into a circle. Then, the first player says a simple statement starting with “Never have I ever”. Anyone who has done what the first player has not must drink and put down a finger. It continues around the circle, and the next person makes a statement. There is also a non-drinking version that is basically just used to get to know one another and you put your fingers down instead of taking a drink. Once a player runs out of “fingers” the game is over.

Back in middle school and high school I always played the non-drinking version at things like cheerleading camp, sleepovers, and parties. It’s always a good time. And generally, when you’re a bit older, it often turns naughty.

Well today, I thought I would do my own little blog version of the game. Except not really because no one is putting their fingers down, but you get the idea. I’m going to tell you 10 things I’ve never done that relate to healthy food! Ready? Here we go:

1. Never have I ever: eaten kale. I’m not a veggie lover. I have to generally “gently” remind myself to eat them. And kale sounds a bit too strong in taste for me. How would I know? I don’t haha.

2. Never have I ever: made my own peanut butter. I should really try this!

3. Never have I ever: tried cashew butter. I think this is a blogging sin. I’m pretty sure the only reason I’ve never tried it is because I didn’t want to shell out the cash to pay for it.

4. Never have I ever: liked raw broccoli and cauliflower. The texture of both of them when they are raw gives me the willies hehe.

5. Never have I ever: mixed avocado into something sweet (like a smoothie or dessert of some sort). The idea freaks me out. I know I need to get over it haha.

6. Never have I ever: like chia seeds. I’ve tried them several times. Um no. No no no. They gross my taste buds and sensory receptors out!

7. Never have I ever: made one of the oh so popular microwave muffins. Why? I never have all of the ingredients on hand. I should just suck it up and go by some because they always look so tasty :).

8. Never have I ever: followed a fad diet.

9. Never have I ever: tried to make a protein pudding.

10. Never have I ever: completely given up refined sugar. Sometimes I just want a real dessert that has the white table sugar in it. If I completely give up eating real desserts, I’ll go crazy!

Your turn! Tell me something that you’ve never done that’s food related!

About In Sweetness and In Health

I'm Lindsay! I'm a 23 year-old graduate student in occupational therapy. I love all things health and fitness related and this blog will document my life as I learn to really love myself, try to stop worrying so much about my body, and truly take advantage of all the sweet things that life offers us.

Posted on August 7, 2012, in About Me, Health, Random. Bookmark the permalink. 38 Comments.

  1. Ok you’ve GOT to try cashew butter!! And kale!! Put nutritional yeast and lightly spray olive oil on it before your bake it.. so yummy!! Never have I ever gone to a healthy living conference (but that’s changing in less than two weeks!).

  2. This is fun! Never have I ever tried cashew butter either! Haha. I’m the same way – I just don’t want to pay the big bucks for a jar of it and then possibly not like it OR like it too much and feel the need to constantly be buying it! 😉

  3. I’ve also never tried kale — I thought I was the only one! One of these days I’ll get around to it. Kale chips look so easy to do.

  4. WHAT?! No cashew butta EVER?!?! Dang girl, you’re missing out!! 😀 I think whole foods sells little artisana squeeze packs if you ever just want a sample rather than shelling out the big buckaroos for a jar. I hate the price too though, so I’ve been making my own 😉

    I’ve also never had kale, it kinda intimidates me haha

    Hope you have a rockin day sista!

  5. i love this blog post idea! i might use this idea (obviously i’ll shout you out) on my won blog! there are about a million never have i ever things i can come up with for healthy food considering that i haven’t been eating in a healthy way for that long, but my biggest never have i ever is probably chia seeds too. i haven’t ever tried them, but i have about a billion recipes pinned that involve chia seeds, so i feel like that needs to change soon. or not, based on your distaste for them…i can see myself hating them too.

    until 6 months ago i’d say my most ridiculous never have i ever was “never have i ever tried eggs”. i convinced myself when i was younger that i didn’t like them and then just never ate them. i’d eat baked goods with eggs in them, but i could NOT eat omelets, scrambles, egg sandwiches, etc. luckily, that changed when my brother forced me to try them and i haven’t stopped since 🙂

  6. Hey Lindsay!

    What a clever idea for a blog post! Never have I ever tried hemp milk or hemp seeds. For some reason I’m paranoid it would turn up positive on a drug test for weed! I know that is probably a ridiculous thought, but oh well!

  7. I’ve never had kale or cashew butter either!

  8. I’ve never tried avocado in something sweet either, I’m not a believer yet. Try kale now — I used to be afraid of it and I LOVE it!

  9. Never have I ever made a recipe from pinterest! I pin them, but haven’t made any!

  10. I’ve never had kale either. I’m thinking about attempting some kale chips sometime soon though. Let’s see for mine, mever have I ever liked tomatoes. No matter if they’re store bought or fresh from the garden I just don’t like the taste. Yuck!

  11. Ohhh fun!! Totally stealing this 😉

    I really like kale–esp kale chips, but my husband HATES it.

    I’ve never really loved oatmeal for breakfast. I know, GASP!

  12. We’re like Never Have I Ever soul mates.

    1) not a fan of kale – tried it but too strong

    2) never tried cashew butter

    3) HATE HATE HATE chia seeds

    4) no avocado in my sweets

    5) refined sugar will likely always be a part of my life

    And I bet there’s more. Fun post!

  13. confession: I’ve never tried cashew butter either! I’ll have to see if Trader Joe’s has it next time I’m there so I can see what all the fuss is about 🙂

  14. Oh, I love the idea of this survey!! So fun.

    Trust me on this, you have got to try cashew butter!!! If you order off of iherb, its always much cheaper than getting it in store! I swear its the best tasting nut butter out there.

    And the avocado in sweet recipes was so weird for me at first but now I can’t get enough! Its delicious!

    You should try kale chips. And bake them in nutritional yeast and coconut oil. Now that is a delicious combination. I don’t like raw kale at all, but baked on the other hand is good.

  15. Cute post! Never have I ever tried making quinoa.

  16. Ooooh fun game!! Never have I ever liked plain coconut water. I love coconut flavors. But not coconut water.

    And you could try avocado in banana bread! That’s not too sweet, maybe it will ease you into things. 🙂

  17. Never have I gone a month without some form of meat. I want to try! But ughhhh bacon!

  18. never have i ever had an artichoke. and i keep seeing them everywhere, so i simply must try this.

  19. LOVE this idea!!! I used to alwaaays play this. Usually in drinking games, haha shhh 😉 Try kale!! You will need to find a good recipe, but I like it. I’ve never make a microwave muffin either!

  20. Love this! It’s makes me feel better knowing that other health bloggers don’t always love kale, or want to give up refined sugar..Makes me feel better about myself:)

  21. Lady you need to try kale chips!!! Even my husband likes them, and he doesn’t like health foods! Don’t be scurred! 😉

  22. Haha I’m your Never Have I Ever polar opposite. Never have I ever eaten anything with coconut as an ingredient. I think it has something to do with the way the texture looks.

  23. I am with you on the raw veggies! They kill my stomach.

    And I think it’s a sin you have never made your own peanut butter. It’s like a right of passage.

  24. So fun! What a great idea for a post! Never have I ever had quinoa! I see it everywhere on blogs but can’t find it at my grocery store!

  25. I’m totally with you on the cashew butter! I want to buy it every single week at the grocery store, but it’s just sooooo expensive and I know once I open it that it won’t last long! 🙂 You’re so silly and funny – I just love you!

  26. If it makes you feel better, I’ve never had cashew butter either! Ohh & personally, I think Kale is rather gross! haha.

    ps. lovee this survey & will be posting it this week 🙂

  27. Totally with you on #4 – not a fan of raw broccoli or cauliflower, but LOVE them roasted.

    On #5: I’d never mixed avocado into something sweet either UNTIL LAST WEEK. I made dairy-free avocado pudding and have to say it was delicious. (see a photo here: ) I was really surprised you could not taste the avocado at ALLLL! It was so yummy. So I dare you to get on this one asap. 😉

  28. I have never tried cashew butter either. Nnever will I ever get in on the coconut oil or coconut anything craze, I am not a fan of that stuff and coconut makes me sick to my stomach!

  29. What a fun post this was Lindsay! Love the idea 🙂 Kale does have a strong taste. I actually just put it into a green smoothie this morning (I ran out of spinach) and uhhh it’s quite gross lol. Cooked though, it is quite tasty with the right seasonings, you should give it a try sometime! I concur on cashew butter, I am sure I would like it, but yeah that Sh*t is expensive!

  30. Don’t waste your money on cashew butter, it’s seriously disgusting. It’s the only nut butter I don’t like.

    Never have I ever liked sweet potatoes and cottage cheese. Both are so gross I want to gag just thinking about them!!!

  31. I have never had cashew butter! Never have I ever had a drippy egg.. I’m too chicken!

  32. this was a great read hunnie 😀 HA! I loved it

  33. This was a fun read. You should try Cashew butter its yummy. I love chia seeds but to each their own.

  34. this is so cute! i tried kale for the first time this summer. LOVED it. i also finally broke down and bought the ingredients for the microwave muffins.. and now ALL i do is make stuft mama green muffins!!

  35. Love this idea! I’ve never had kale, either, because the supermarkets don’t sell it here. And confession: I don’t like green veggies. But because I’m a big girl, I make myself eat them 🙂

    I’ve tried cashew butter, but I didn’t like it. Same with almond butter. Probably a good thing, considering the price!

  1. Pingback: Never Have I Ever plus Drink Chia | The Run Within

  2. Pingback: Oatmeal Toppings – Best of the Best

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