Total Body Tri-Set Workout

Hi everyone!!

I’ve got a great workout for you all today :). I completed it yesterday and it was definitely a nice challenge! But before that, today is the first day of my OT fieldwork (internship). Basically, this internship will be 3 months long and will consist of 4, 10-hour days a week. On top of that I’ll have a 30-45 minute drive each way. So, needless to say, I’m going to be quite the busy girl! Once this internship is done, I’ll have another 3-month one to complete before I can take my boards to become licensed.

I have been so incredibly nervous to start. Actually, last week while in the Smokies, I kept getting sick to my stomach and couldn’t figure out why. Then it finally hit that it was all due to nerves! I really hope that today helps to calm me down haha.

On Friday and Saturday, my Soul Detox readings could not have been more perfect for this time. Friday’s message basically said that having fear is placing your faith in the “what ifs” of life. Then the question that was asked was – “What are some of the ‘what ifs’ that fuel your fears?”

I wrote down some of my current fears about my internship:

  • What if I come off as incompetent at fieldwork?
  • What if I’m not good enough, and don’t look good enough to my supervisors?
  • What if I end up hating it?
  • What if I don’t get along with my supervisors?
  • What if I’m not creative enough to come up with quality interventions?
Um, so yea…that’s what has been sort of plaguing my mind as today got closer and closer. Saturday’s message was that our fears reveal where we trust God the least. Wowzas. That was kind of like a “Hello, Lindsay…duh…you shouldn’t be worrying about the things in the future that you don’t really have control over”. I realized that I need to trust God with these fears and not worry so much about the future. Obviously, I was still nervous after that, but I found some comfort in praying.
The ultimate takeaway that I got from these two readings is that I need to work on being PRESENT. I need to focus on, enjoy, and be thankful for the things that are presently happening and stop worrying so much about what is going to come!

And now you’re probably like, um…I thought this was a workout post? Haha. No worries, here is the workout I promised you:

Here are some moves you may not be familiar with:

I hope you all have an amazing Monday! Please bear with me as I try to adjust to this new schedule and how blogging, reading, and commenting will all fit into it!

About In Sweetness and In Health

I'm Lindsay! I'm a 23 year-old graduate student in occupational therapy. I love all things health and fitness related and this blog will document my life as I learn to really love myself, try to stop worrying so much about my body, and truly take advantage of all the sweet things that life offers us.

Posted on July 2, 2012, in Fitness, Life, Lifting, Mind, Workouts. Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. oooh it has been tooo long since I did the pendulum lunges!!

    thank you for the reminder.

  2. I think we all struggle with fear, but I’m so proud of you for turning to Scripture to see that you don’t need to fear.

    Phil 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

    And my personal favorite (and Tim Tebow’s favorite haha), Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

    Hope today goes awesome!!! 🙂

  3. OMG I JUST POSTED THAT PICTURE IN MY POST TODAY!!! We are totally mind twins, I’ve been going through a lot of the same fearful thoughts lately. Just gotta remember to give it over to the Lord and trust that He will keep us happy, healthy, and safe 🙂

    Love ya girl and hope you have an amazing week!

  4. That workout looks great, I’m definitely trying it!

  5. What a great looking workout! Can’t wait to try it. Good luck on your first day!! You will do great.

  6. Good luck, girly!! You will do ABSOLUTELY amazing and it will be just a short amount of time for them to recognize that, too!! That workout looks hardcore! 🙂

  7. First of all, this workout looks awesome! What a great way to work in upper body, lower body, and core!

    I know EXACTLY how you feel when it comes to the nerves about your internship. Even though I was so excited to start volunteering at the dietitian’s office (and I LOVE it), I was so nervous before I started because, basically, I was worried I wouldn’t be good enough or that I wouldn’t seem knowledgeable since I haven’t even started school yet. I kind of got scared any time someone started talking to me about dietetics/nutrition/etc. because I didn’t want to come off as incompetent.

    But then I realized, like you said, that there’s no reason to worry about things I can’t control. I also realized that no one would expect me to be an expert immediately, and that it’s when I’m supposed to be learning, so it’s okay not to know everything, and it’s okay to ask lots of questions!

    I remember feeling all of those apprehensions about teaching, but it was all okay in the end because everyone around you is there to help.

    Good luck at your first day – you’re going to rock it!!

  8. That workout looks awesome Lindsay! I am definitely going to give it a “tri”. Okay. That was so corny.

  9. Good luck with your fieldwork! 🙂 You’ll do so well! What setting are you doing it in?

  10. linds, you will do awesome today!!! the first day of any new job or classes are always a little scary, but before you know it, it will be a cup of tea and you’ll have your routine all figured out. i am sending up lots of prayers this morning that everything goes great today! love you lots!

  11. Ah, good luck at your internship…you’re going to do great!

  12. That’s exactly how I felt going into my internship this summer, and I realized that no matter how it goes, it will be a leaning experience and I’ll grow from it! So just be sure to always have a positive attitude and it will all turn out alright! And I love that 365 day quote!

  13. The message for us in church yesterday was about this exact some thing–the Lord says Do Not Be Afraid and that worry doesn’t gain us a single thing…I love this message especially because I know I worry way way way too much–it’s so easy to do–but telling God of all the “what ifs” or “worries” we have, than just letting them go, is such an uplifting moment!

  14. Good luck, you will do awesome!!!

  15. Lindsay I know you are going to do fantastically! It makes total sense that you are nervous, but I know you will be just fine there, even better than fine in fact! I am sure it will feel awkward and you may feel in the way at first, but it will totes get better in time 🙂

    Great workout too, I am saving this for tomorrow because I am wayyy too sore from slip and slide this weekend for a strength workout haha

  16. You are going to do FABULOUS, Lindsay!! 🙂

    Also, I hate that feeling, but it’s nice to be able to identify it, right?

  17. Awesome! I totally need a new weight workout idea! I just bought a bosu ball this weekend, so you posted this at the perfect time! 🙂 Good luck on the first day of your internship today, you will do awesome!xo

  18. I’ve never done crunches on a Bosu. Crazy, eh?! 😉 THis looks awesome. I totally love pendulum lunges!!

    And YES to everything you said. If we worry too much about the future–esp things we have NO control over, what kind of life would we be living NOW? I too am constantly trying to work on this. My husband is good at it, and reminds me to chill out. Haha 🙂 Have a GREAT day ❤

  19. Isn’t Soul Detox amazing!!! 🙂 I’m praying for you girl as you start your internship. I know you will do amazing! Love you!

  20. We were just talking about this this weekend! How the Bible talks about fear 365 times….

    We all struggle with it…the unknown…the what ifs!! But God knows everything, His plan for our lives is perfect and He is NEVER surprised. I find great comfort in focusing on that when the big “what ifs” come into my life! Praying for you to have a great start to your internship!!

  21. I feel your pain! I’ve been trying to adjust to my dietetic internship hours while keeping another part time job on top of blogging! It’s tough but the blogging stuff will still be fun and a good way to unwind if you truly love it!

  22. All the very best for your first day! I think writing down worries can really be of help. I am glad you found some comfort in God, too.

    Thanks for sharing the workout 🙂

  23. You are SO capable! I understand the fear of failure though. But you’re right that it is a waste of energy and we have to focus on the truth that God “has our backs” in a sense. Hugs! And great looking workout too. 😉

  24. I love that quote – it’s so true! God wants us to be fearless and put our trust in Him instead.

  25. Congrats on your internship girl. You’re going to be WONDERFUL and everyone will love you! I’m sure in the beginning things may seem adnormal with adjusting to a new “way of life”, but you’ll figure out what works for you 🙂

    –Also, I’ve finally decided to start my own blog. Check it out please!

  26. Good luck on your first day, and thanks for the workout!

  27. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I am working on being present, too. Oh I love your honesty in this post Lindsay ❤ pleeeease keep us updated on your internship ❤ I will be thinking of you

  28. I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! It’s amazing that you wrote this because I just began my new job on Monday too! Granted, I’m only doing half-days at first and the drive is literally 15 minutes from my house, but that didn’t stop me from being nervous as HECK! Luckily, my prayers really helped to put me at ease and my first two days have gone excellently! I hope that yours is going well too!! 🙂

  29. I did my PT internships about 10 years ago (yikes!), and I remember the nervous/anxious feelings you’re describing like it was yesterday! Remember, we’ve all been in your shoes at some point in our professional life; enjoy your experience; soak in as much knowledge as your CI can give you, and just like you said (stay in the present)! You’re going to do great! Oh yeah, and I’m planning on doing this workout in just a little bit! Thanks for the great workout!

  30. I can SO relate to this, Linds! I tend to overanalyze every single thing and have a hard time living in the moment. I remember when you wrote about having to leave Chris when you guys have visits and how you were really working on being present and not letting your sadness about leaving him ruin the time you DID have with him. I think this is the same. I admire how self-aware you are and how you really try to understand your feelings to move past them instead of just wallowing. So basically you are awesome. Which we both already knew. 🙂 XO

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