Category Archives: FLOW

Fitness Loves of the Week #12

Happy Friday everyone!!

I’m going to make this short and sweet because I have a presentation this morning and I want to look over some things before class.

For Tina’s bootcamp this week I have made some of the workouts a bit easier since I’ve been trying to listen to my body and give it the break it’s obviously needing. It’s really hard not to push myself and continue to do intense workouts, but I know there is a problem when I just go for a walk and even that feels like it’s a bit of a struggle.

I’m sad that it’s week 7 of bootcamp though! That means there’s only 1 week left…wow the time flew by!! I have been really enjoying having most of my workouts made up for me and have learned a bunch of new moves/exercises. I will definitely be utilizing a lot of them when I start making up my own workouts again. This week I have really liked doing the driver lunge to push press! The link takes you to a video where Tina herself shows you the move :).

So it’s time for another FLOW!

I made up a quick little ab circuit for you all this week!

Here are descriptions of moves you may not be familiar with:

And I can’t forget that it’s time for Meg’s High Five Friday :D.

This week I am really proud of myself for taking the time to listen to my body and give it the rest it needs. I think that if I had continued to push myself harder, my hip bursitis would just get worse instead of healing and I would run myself into the ground and probably feel miserable! I don’t want that haha.

**I’m thinking that this is going to be the last Fitness Loves of the Week! It’s been going on for 12 weeks and it’s been a lot of fun, but I also think it might be getting kind of old (at least that’s how I’ve been feeling about it). So I want to end it on a high note! Don’t worry, I’ll still post plenty of workouts like I always have.

This week’s FLOW link- up

Fitness Loves of the Week #11

Happy Friday!

It’s time for another FLOW :D.

I have a new treadmill workout for you all today! I completed this bad boy yesterday and called it a day after finishing it because it was so challenging.

In this workout you are essentially walking while increasing the incline and then jogging while decreasing the incline. That 5.3mph might be a slower jogging speed, but it was one that I could barely manage for those 3 minutes of running on an incline. My chest and legs were burning big time. By all means, increase or decrease the speed to what is challenging for you!

And it’s also time for Meg’s High Five Friday! This week I just want to say that I am proud of myself for really taking the time to stretch my hips after each workout. My bursitis is already starting to feel better!

**If you haven’t yet, make sure to enter my Danskin Triathlon Series giveaway if you’re able to attend one of the races!

Would you like to participate in FLOW?? I would love it if you did ;).

Fitness Loves of the Week” (FLOW) is a link-up party similar to What I Ate Wednesday except it’s all about fitness! On Fridays I will post either a routine that I have created that week, a picture or video of a move that I have done, or even a post about a workout. You guys simply do something similar! If you’ve had a great workout/fitness post earlier in the week and you don’t want to make up a new one, you don’t have to! Simply grab the picture from my site, paste it in your Friday post, then when you link up you can use the link from whatever post of yours you want!

FLOW Link Up

Fitness Loves of the Week #10

Happy Friday! I’m so glad that we’re pretty much at another weekend!

I appreciate all of your input on my last post! Before we get to Fitness Loves of the Week, I wanted to update you on my hips and the pain I’ve been experiencing. I originally mentioned this a few weeks ago when I was home and told you all how I’d had shooting pain on the side of my hips whenever I walked. Well, this pain has continued since then and it’s actually gotten worse. Sometimes it hurts so bad that I don’t even want to go to class because getting there is painful. And I also now have aching sometimes when I’m sitting and sleeping.

Last week I decided that I couldn’t handle this anymore, so I made an appointment with an orthopedic. I met with him on Wednesday and he diagnosed me with bursitis in both of my hips :(.

What is hip bursitis? It’s inflammation of the bursa between the greater trochanter (the bony prominence on the outside of the hip) and the IT band. My inflammation is apparently being caused by really tight IT bands. In fact, in my left leg, if you place your hand over that great trochanter area you can actually feel my IT band snapping across the surface when I walk. Um yea…not fun.


Thankfully, hip bursitis is easily treatable. For right now I have to ice my hips 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes each time. This should help with the inflammation. I’m also going to be seeing a physical therapist a couple of times to learn the best way for me to stretch out my IT band so that this can be prevented in the future. I’ve always thought that I did a decent job of stretching out my IT band, but I guess not!

However, if none of this is working after about 4 weeks, then I’ll go back to the ortho to have an x-ray to see if anything anatomical is going on. Let’s hope that isn’t the case!

As soon as I got home from the doctor on Wednesday I started icing my hips. After two days of doing this, I’ve actually noticed that my joints are more achy and I’m in more pain? I’m hoping this is a fluke and it will stop asap!

I also want to thank Allison who is a physical therapist and after reading my original post about this has been emailing me back and forth with suggestions and information!


And on another quick note…my new favorite thing to eat is a sweet potato topped with chocolate PB2 :D. It’s amazing!


Okay, and onto Fitness Loves of the Week! I don’t have a new workout for you today because I’ve been doing Tina’s bootcamp workouts this week and haven’t made up any of my own. So, I thought I would share with you my favorite moves that I have learned from this week’s workouts :).

First up, we have butt kicks:


These butt kicks are done standing in place. Basically, your are kicking your butt with your heel on each stride. I felt this more than I thought I would! And it really got my heart rate going :).

Second up we have decline push-ups on the stability ball:


I have come to really like doing push-ups and always enjoy finding new ways to challenge myself with them! You can make this exercise harder by putting your feet on the ball instead of your shins! Talk about working on stability!

If you want to participate in FLOW:

Fitness Loves of the Week” (FLOW) is a link-up party similar to What I Ate Wednesday except it’s all about fitness! On Fridays I will post either a routine that I have created that week, a picture or video of a move that I have done, or even a post about a workout. You guys simply do something similar! If you’ve had a great workout/fitness post earlier in the week and you don’t want to make up a new one, you don’t have to! Simply grab the picture from my site, paste it in your Friday post, then when you link up you can use the link from whatever post of yours you want!

FLOW Link Up